All our perfume oils and fragrances are NOT to be confused with the original designer brands mentioned in the description.
Shamreeds Body has no affiliation with any mentioned manufacturer/designer. Name trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective manufacturers and /or designer.
The interpretations of these TYPE of fragrances were produced by means of chemical analysis and reproduction. The only purpose and goal of these descriptions on our website is to
provide the customer with an idea of the fragrance character, certaninly not to mislead, confuse the customer or infringe on the manufacturer's/designers name and valuable trademark.
We don't represent our products to be from the original designer brands nor do we represent them to be exact copies and therefore we do not violate any copyright/trademark laws.
Also let it be known, that this website has not affiliation either, and is not associated or sponsored by any of these trademark owners. Any referrals to branded and trademarked names are made purely for comparison purposes only.
We basically ask the consumer to evaluate the cost, style, fragrance character, ingredients and quality of the desinger brand products to Shamreeds Body Oils products.